It is Mardi Gras. Knights of the Ecor Rouge specifically. My grandfather, JD Buffett was a charter member of The KOER. There’s lots of his buddies still riding in the parade. It’s also Black & Gold Superbowl Eve. Historic. The entire Buffett gene pool are raging Saints fans and celebrating tonight from Montana to Miami. And Mardi Gras in the middle!
The energy is buzzing globally.
Reading about Shakti in Swami Durgananda’s The Heart of Meditation after this morning’s meditation, I am more aware of a swirling pulling pulsating draw to go to the parade and be with LOTS of people and party downtown. It’s cold. I am tired. I need sleep. The traffic is never so bad as at a Mardi Gras parade. I want to stay home, do the wise thing, and restore my energy for lots of teaching and practicing and studying yoga next week. But the pull of the energy is in my cells. It’s coursing through my Buffett Blood and my HEART is in charge tonight. I will go with what is flowing through me.
All of a sudden I have on dancing shoes and glitter. I hear music and I will follow.
This fun runs deep!
It must be the Shakti…I think I am getting it.
Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez!