Scotta Brady, E-RYT 500 is a Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher who began her formal yoga studies in 1996 after graduating from Auburn University with a B.A. in Philosophy. She is the owner and lead teacher at Butterfly Yoga in Jackson, Mississippi. Blessed with the opportunity to study with many inspiring teachers around the world, she is full of immense gratitude for and admiration of each one. She is especially grateful to Anusara Yoga founder John Friend, who has been the greatest influence on her personal transformation and transition from law school student to full-time yoga student and teacher. Upon meeting John in 1999, Scotta dedicated herself to studying yoga and has been teaching yoga in service to the Mississippi community and beyond since 2000.
Scotta will be leading 3 workshops at Yoga Birds in June: (Register Online for all 3 Workshops at a Discount)
Date: Sat 6/26/2010
Time: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Anusara Yoga Workshop with Scotta Brady, E-RYT 500. “Lightness of Being”. Using the Universal Principles of Alignment, we’ll find a balance of power and softness to open our hearts more fully in backbends. We’ll tap into our innate strength and lightness of being to take flight in arm balances. Learn also how curious use of our feet can help us cultivate more stability in inversions and arm balances. Join us for this fun-filled weekend of yoga! Saturday Session will focus on standing poses, twists, and backbends. $40. Register Online.
Date: Sun 6/27/2010
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Anusara Yoga Workshop with Scotta Brady, E-RYT 500. “Lightness of Being”. Using the Universal Principles of Alignment, we’ll find a balance of power and softness to open our hearts more fully in backbends. We’ll tap into our innate strength and lightness of being to take flight in arm balances. Learn also how curious use of our feet can help us cultivate more stability in inversions and arm balances. Join us for this fun-filled weekend of yoga! Sunday mid-day session will focus on “Flight School”- abdominals and arm balances. $40. Register Online.
Date: Sun 6/27/2010
Time: 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Anusara Yoga Workshop with Scotta Brady, E-RYT 500. “Lightness of Being”. Using the Universal Principles of Alignment, we’ll find a balance of power and softness to open our hearts more fully in backbends. We’ll tap into our innate strength and lightness of being to take flight in arm balances. Learn also how curious use of our feet can help us cultivate more stability in inversions and arm balances. Join us for this fun-filled weekend of yoga! Sunday early evening session will focus on “Nectarean” Inversions & Forward Folds. $35. Register Online.