Love This Life T-Shirts

Love This Life Peace T-Shirt
Love This Life Peace T-Shirt

Colorful Peace Sign T-Shirts


A statement about peace and loving your life.  Limited availability so get yours now.

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We now have Love This Life Peace Manifesto t-shirts in the boutique and on the  Yoga Birds online store.  The black T’s have a shiny colorful peace sign on the front and the Love This Life manifesto on the back:




is about celebrating the moment

and that we’re not guaranteed or owed another day

and how cool it is that what we hide

can actually be the fuel towards our glory

and that it’s not so bad being proven wrong


is about welcoming the blind turn

and the possibility that

there’s no such thing as coincidence

and that empathy is incredibly sexy

and that it’s never too late to

pick up a quitar or a paintbrush

or to make an amend or to make a new friend


could be about rekindling a past flame

or igniting a new one

or shape shifting from a dreamer into a doer

or savoring the caress of a love long gone


means whatever it is

you want it to mean because


is a celebration of you and your path


‘cuz it could go at any second

you rock

Copyright 2002, David Culiner