Oil Change Light

The Oil Change light has been illuminating in my car for a couple of weeks. Everytime I get into the car it dings and lights up because apparently I need another reminder of OIL, my dependence on it, and therefore my little contribution to the enormous calamity in our Gulf. Everytime I pump gas I think about the birds, the fish, the beaches, the businesses…that are dying, partially by my own hand and my flagrant use of the oil. I know it sounds dramatic but it’s true. I drive 3 scenic miles to work everyday—sometimes two or three times. I drive anywhere and everywhere without the slightest thought of the impact my car and my lifestyle have on the resources of this beautiful planet—at least I used to. In my efforts to be a mindful, responsible citizen of the Earth and steward of the Mighty Gulf Coast, I must make changes in my oil consumption habits and awareness. Today I am picking up my old college mountain bike from Fairhope’s new bike shop. I have had it tuned-up and outfitted with a rack and saddle bags so that I can start riding my bike as often as I can as a means of transportation. Because I live in a town where it’s possible, and I am of sound body and mind to do it I really have no excuses. Not everyone is so blessed with this opportunity. But we must all do our parts by making conscious choices and taking skillful actions in whatever ways we can that are manageable and within our unique life circumstances, right? OK. So please join me and ask yourself how you might make a transition in lifestyle that could help The Gulf and well really The One Ocean. One Love One Ocean y’all! We’re all in this together. PEACE!!

Ocean of Inner Space

Mobile Bay. Gulf Coast Alabama. It can not go without saying that we are all bracing for how the oil hemorrhage story unfolds. Emotions of grief, anger, fear and despair abound. Let us turn the tide from negativity and ask the question: What can I do in my community to help in this moment? Now more than ever we need the tools for honest, refined, practical care for ourselves in body, mind, breath, and heart. Yoga helps us navigate the ocean of our inner space. It brings us back to our natural calm equilibrium. Yoga provides the gifts of inner strength and muscular stability, a daily retreat from the constant noise, techniques to expand the breath, and recognition that the joy in our hearts remains no matter what challenges we must endure. Our best course of action is to take good care.

Fortitude. Clarity. Vibrancy. Compassion.
Stay strong and keep the faith.
Mother Nature Will Prevail!
Love, Melanie

It can not go without saying that we are all bracing for how the oil hemorrhage story unfolds. Emotions of grief, anger, fear and despair abound. Let us turn the tide from negativity and ask the question: What can I do in my community to help in this moment? Now more than ever we need tools for honest, refined, practical care for ourselves in body, mind, breath, and heart. Yoga helps us navigate the ocean of inner space. It brings us back to natural calm equilibrium. Yoga provides the gifts of inner strength and muscular stability, a daily retreat from constant noise, techniques that expand the breath, and recognition that the joy in our hearts prevails no matter what challenges we must endure. There are yoga practices suitable for everybody in this community. Choose a yoga practice that complements and balances your fitness level.
Fortitude. Clarity. Vibrancy. Compassion.
Stay strong and keep the faith.
Mother Nature Will Prevail!
Love, Melanie

Scotta Brady Yoga Workshops

Scotta Brady

Scotta Brady, E-RYT 500 is a Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher who began her formal yoga studies in 1996 after graduating from Auburn University with a B.A. in Philosophy. She is the owner and lead teacher at Butterfly Yoga in Jackson, Mississippi.  Blessed with the opportunity to study with many inspiring teachers around the world, she is full of immense gratitude for and admiration of each one. She is especially grateful to Anusara Yoga founder John Friend, who has been the greatest influence on her personal transformation and transition from law school student to full-time yoga student and teacher. Upon meeting John in 1999, Scotta dedicated herself to studying yoga and has been teaching yoga in service to the Mississippi community and beyond since 2000.

Scotta will be leading 3 workshops at Yoga Birds in June: (Register Online for all 3 Workshops at a Discount)

Date:   Sat   6/26/2010
Time:  1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Anusara Yoga Workshop with Scotta Brady, E-RYT 500. “Lightness of Being”. Using the Universal Principles of Alignment, we’ll find a balance of power and softness to open our hearts more fully in backbends. We’ll tap into our innate strength and lightness of being to take flight in arm balances. Learn also how curious use of our feet can help us cultivate more stability in inversions and arm balances. Join us for this fun-filled weekend of yoga! Saturday Session will focus on standing poses, twists, and backbends. $40. Register Online.

Date:   Sun   6/27/2010
Time:  10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Anusara Yoga Workshop with Scotta Brady, E-RYT 500. “Lightness of Being”. Using the Universal Principles of Alignment, we’ll find a balance of power and softness to open our hearts more fully in backbends. We’ll tap into our innate strength and lightness of being to take flight in arm balances. Learn also how curious use of our feet can help us cultivate more stability in inversions and arm balances. Join us for this fun-filled weekend of yoga! Sunday mid-day session will focus on “Flight School”- abdominals and arm balances. $40. Register Online.

Date:   Sun   6/27/2010
Time:  3:00 PM – 5:30 PM

Anusara Yoga Workshop with Scotta Brady, E-RYT 500. “Lightness of Being”. Using the Universal Principles of Alignment, we’ll find a balance of power and softness to open our hearts more fully in backbends. We’ll tap into our innate strength and lightness of being to take flight in arm balances. Learn also how curious use of our feet can help us cultivate more stability in inversions and arm balances. Join us for this fun-filled weekend of yoga! Sunday early evening session will focus on “Nectarean” Inversions & Forward Folds. $35. Register Online.

Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga
Chair Yoga

Now Available in Fairhope

Chair Yoga offers the ability to improve your health through an amazing form of adaptive exercise. You are supported by a chair so you can receive yoga’s healing and restorative benefits. Regardless of age, activity level, or physical challenge, you will derive wonderful health benefits from practicing and implementing chair yoga. ALL LEVELS. 75 MINUTES.

Build strength while supported by the chair!

Innovative, supportive, and strengthening, Chair Yoga makes the poses more accessible.

$15. Taught by Nancy Beck.  Register online by clicking here.  Be sure to scroll the calendar to the next available Tuesday.


We look forward to seeing you in class. For directions or more information please visit our Contact/Map page.


Awakening in the State of WhoDat Nation
Black & Gold Grace TheSuperbowl
At Long Last!

Mardi Gras Shakti

It is Mardi Gras. Knights of the Ecor Rouge specifically. My grandfather, JD Buffett was a charter member of The KOER. There’s lots of his buddies still riding in the parade. It’s also Black & Gold Superbowl Eve. Historic. The entire Buffett gene pool are raging Saints fans and celebrating tonight from Montana to Miami. And Mardi Gras in the middle!

The energy is buzzing globally.

Reading about Shakti in Swami Durgananda’s The Heart of Meditation after this morning’s meditation, I am more aware of a swirling pulling pulsating draw to go to the parade and be with LOTS of people and party downtown. It’s cold. I am tired. I need sleep. The traffic is never so bad as at a Mardi Gras parade. I want to stay home, do the wise thing, and restore my energy for lots of teaching and practicing and studying yoga next week. But the pull of the energy is in my cells. It’s coursing through my Buffett Blood and my HEART is in charge tonight. I will go with what is flowing through me.
All of a sudden I have on dancing shoes and glitter. I hear music and I will follow.
This fun runs deep!
It must be the Shakti…I think I am getting it.
Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez!

Fleur de Yoga

Level One Anusara Yoga Teacher Training

New Orleans with
Scotta Brady and Cat McCarthy. November 2009. That’s me in the Fleur De Lis Hard Tails.